• May : 24 : 2012 - #JSA Will Be Attending A Montgomery County Young Democrats Dream Act Panel In Silver Spring Civic Center
  • May : 26 : 2012 - Fenton Street Market
  • May : 31 : 2012 - Voto Latino Has Invited #JSA To Attend To One Of Their Press Conferences
  • Aug : 17 : 2012 - Voter Registration Concert

Friday April 27th
   #JSA! These are today's announcements!

 1) As many of you may have heard, #JSA will be in Los Angeles THIS WEEKEND. We are sending 7 of our representatives across the country to attend Voto Latino's Power Summit at the University of Southern California. We ask that you guys please keep them in your prayers for a safe flight and for a great outcome from this trip!

2) We are still looking to expand to other schools! IF you want to take the initiative and start a #JSA club or chapter at your school PLEASE let us know and we will make it happen. There are over 10 high schools/colleges on board right now with #JSA and we are looking for #teamJSA members to take the initiative and become presidents of #JSA in their individual communities. Email jroa@thejsamovement for more info.

 3) We are going to be hosting and open mic with Ghandi Brigade in downtown silver spring! for more info, please check the attached picture!

4) #JSA will also be taking part of the fenton street market! We are looking to register as many of you as we can to VOTE! we will also be selling other cool #JSA gear so come out and support! This will start in May! 5) LAST BUT NOT LEAST! We need YOUR help! #JSA is looking to host an open panel with politicians!

We need to get Delaney and Roscoe Bartlett to agree to a panel on May 5th at Montgomery College Germantown. 

To contact them:1. Email/contact John Delaney at

c. xan@delaney2012.com2. Email/ contact Roscoe Bartlett ata. the youth we need politicians to HEAR our VOICE. Please contact them and invite them to our panel!

Thank you guys for your continual support. There are many big plans underway for all of you that look up to us every day. These are plans that look to fix the broken educational system that we face today. Everything we do, we do for you guys. Because we beleive that everyone should have the right to an education. 

Below is our mission and vission statement:The mission statement describes the purpose and primary objectives of our group in a clear and concise manner.

****JSA is a youth movement dedicated to restructuring the broken immigration system in order to equalize educational opportunities for all students. 

*****The Vision Statement is a clear futuristic view of what JSA will become.

***JSA envisions a nation where youth advocates for youth by promoting civil engagement to pass effective legislation concerning educational rights for ALL students.

***Please feel free to conact us with any suggestions, comments, or anything!

#JSA! Good Afternoon and thank you for your continual support. We could not be who we are today without ALL OF YOU.

The question still stands to many people out there.. where is #JSA heading next?

However, we need YOUR help.

1) If you need to REGISTER TO VOTE or are not eligible to vote... CONTACT US! WE WILL GIVE YOU A VOICE... we have contact info on our website where you can reach out to us and we can MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Even message us personally on facebook if you want!

2) We are also calling out to John Delaney , Democratic candidate for Maryland's 6th district, and Roscoe Bartlett Republican candidate for Maryland's 6th district to come speak to #JSA at the Montgomery College Germantown Campus on May 5th! How are we going to do this?.. with YOUR help!

Email/contact John Delaney at

Email/ contact Roscoe Bartlett at

Let them know we want to host an open panel where they can talk to the youth about their political platforms and how they will help the youth of Maryland's 6th district successfully accomplish their educational dreams! WE WANT TO KNOW WHERE THEY STAND! LET THEM KNOW WE ARE PRESENT #teamJSA!

3) We are still looking for schools, colleges, or organizations where we can come speak at! let us know if YOU are interested. We also have over 13 schools in the area and across the country starting #JSA chapters/clubs! if YOU want to take on a LEADERSHIP role and help create #jsa in your own community CONTACT US!

4) Have PARTIES, gatherings, EVENTS that you want us to attend?! let us know! we want to register as many of you as we can to vote in the upcoming elections! it is through voting that we, the youth, will get our voices heard! let us know if you want #JSA at YOUR event!

5) Finally, we have a voter registration CONCERT in the oven for the SUMMER! ITS GOING TO BE LEGIT!...a possible #JSA RETREAT, and other crazyyy events to get ALLL OF YOUUU #teamJSA involved! Feel free to pitch us with ideas, comments, or things you would also like to see happen!

We always like to keep a very close tie with all of you that constantly look on our website, facebook page, twitter page, or just ask other friends where we are going! This fight is for justice, for the dreams which many of you carry inside and only need the doors in front of you opened to accomplish them. We work for #teamJSA, to build a stronger America and to keep the hub of our American culture, families, together. Much love to the #JSA community, you are in our thoughts, prayers, and with your support we will turn these elections upside down and give JUSTICE a voice.

Peace and Love #teamJSA,

-The JSA Movement

JSA In a Annapolis Demonstration

On Tuesday, April 3rd, JSA gathered its supporters for a demonstration to grab the attention of government workers and officials in Annapolis at 12:00 pm. It was a success, many came to us and asked about JSA. We briefly explained "Jorge Steven Acuna's" case and told them what our plans were for the time to come. We made it clear that JSA is the VOICE and POWER the youth never had.

Stay tuned, as this is one of many events. We will keep you posted, JOIN US and make history.

-Team #JSA